
by Lugo Labs

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Using Webpacker in Ruby on Rails applications

Using ES6 in Ruby on Rails applications with Webpacker: with Bootstrap, Turbolinks, fonts, and other...

24 March 2018 Ruby on Rails

How we generate web fonts used in Lugo Labs

Use use Iconly-generated web fonts to display icons on the Lugo Labs website. With a...

28 February 2018 Ruby on Rails

Let's Encrypt Ruby on Rails and Nginx

Install Let's Encrypt certificate on a Ruby on Rails application running on Linux and Nginx....

23 February 2018 Ruby on Rails

Using Bootstrap 4 with Ruby On Rails

A quick walkthrough on how to add Bootstrap 4 to an existing Ruby on Rails...

15 February 2017 Ruby on Rails

Distinct Active Records in has_many through associations

Learn how to load only distinct collections into Ruby on Rails models with has_many through...

7 February 2017 Ruby on Rails

Pretty URLs in Ruby on Rails with FriendlyId

Our task today is to add unique slugs to our Company model on our Ruby...

25 January 2017 Ruby on Rails

Creating data backed tables with Tabular and Ruby on Rails

We have been building data tables for ages, and much of the elements are the...

7 January 2017 Ruby on Rails

Run single tests in Ruby on Rails 4

A zsh shell function to easily run single tests in Ruby on Rails 4.

22 March 2016 Ruby on Rails

Rewrite Medium in Ruby on Rails, Part 2: Creating the posts

In the first part of this short series on how to build a Medium site...

3 February 2016 Ruby on Rails

Rewrite Medium in Ruby on Rails, Part 1: The Setup

I love Medium's interface, clean, tidy, devoid of any bells and whistles, making you concentrate...

26 January 2016 Ruby on Rails